Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Bioshock: First Impressions

Today I finally chucked Bioshock into my 360's disc drive for the first time.

I know, I know...like a year after it first came out...in fact, almost a year since I received it, which was last Christmas, but I've barely had time to game at all this year so it just sat on my shelf squished in between a couple of Avril Lavigne CDs and Viva Pinata.

Also, in case I haven't mentioned this enough, I suck at shooters. In fact, I am still on level two of Gears of War. My manager bought a 360 console three days ago with Gears and in less than 72 hours he's ALMOST FINISHED IT.

This is how much I suck.

Anyway...so I popped it in and sat through the opening bit, and was quite uninspired by the blocky cartoony graphics in the first five seconds in the plane...and then the plane crashed and there was fire on the water everywhere and I was blown away by the sparkles and the light dancing off the water surface.

And then I heard a pained scream as I accidentally swam my character into a wall of fire.

I only played for an hour so I'm still only at the Medical Pavilion- which I suppose is Level Two, or The-Level-After-the-Introductory-Level. The whole concept is just fascinating and the artwork and advertising is really really amazing but I am very very freaked out.

I haven't battled a Big Daddy and a Little Sister yet but I've seen them harvesting from the safety of a high beam.

And yup...still freaked out.

Favourite moment so far is finding a pool of water with two Splicers standing in it and using my electroshocky plasmid and frying everything in it.

Childish giggling ensued.

But not the kind of creepy Little Sister giggling...*shudder*

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