Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The Trouble With FPS

You may have heard me whine a lot on this blog about how much I suck at FPS.

Now, here is further proof!

I had a spare hour today to start Rainbow Six Vegas on my 360. I know it's a shooter so I probably shouldn't have bought it, but it was only $25 and hey, you blow up shit in a casino. Who hasn't ever wanted to leap onto the blackjack tables at Crown with an AK-47?

Anyway...here I was, happily trotting into a Mexican alleyway with my very large gun, when I reach a doorway. It happens to be one of the doorways that I can't open, since at this point in the tutorial I have not learnt the dubious joys of Snake Cam- but thinking this is Gears of War, I try to smash the door down with one meaty fist.

Except this does nothing. This is not Gears of War.

So I press the pretty little circle button on my controller.

A merry tinkling sound ensues as a teeny little round grenade thing drops at my feet.

Daphne has two seconds to go, "Oh...shit," before the grenade explodes in spectacular fashion at my feet and the whole world goes red.

Game over.


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