Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Self-Made Net Nanny

Procrastination has risen to an all-time high, so I have taken drastic measures.

After some deep soul-searching that took all of twenty seconds, I have finally whittled my procrastination methods down to five main categories:

1. Raiding the pantry
2. Piano
4. DVDs (I have abandoned this practice after watching an episode of Supernatural the other night which featured a ghost with her throat slit open. Not a good idea at 1:00 a.m when you're about to go to sleep.)

But the worst, worst, WORST category is:


Thus, I have taken drastic action.

Even though I'm probably the only person who actually prefers IE7 over Firefox, I have set Firefox as my default browser, and installed a nifty little add-on called LeechBlock.

basically blocks you from sites that you waste time on. It's like saving you from yourself and the worthless minutes of total unproductivity that stem from surfing the web. With LeechBlock, you can nominate sites that you waste time on and block them completely. You can also cause certain sites to shut down access after a nominated period of time- for example, I've set Facebook to shut off after 5 minutes. You can even set an option that will stop yourself from changing the blocking settings during that period (so if you crack and attempt to reset LeechBlock, you're blocked from doing that too.)

Only problem is that most of the time I access the internet from Live Messenger, which is of course affiliated with IE7 as part of Microsoft, and I'd rather not mess with those settings. I have, however, unpinned IE7 from the Start menu (or whatever the stupid Vista icon thing is now).

Luckily I only have two browsers, to the temptation to circumvent myself is lessened somewhat.

Now let's just see how long it takes me to crack.

1 comment:

Kristine said...

Oh I forgot to check this blog for updates. so JOY OF JOY, posts!!! I need this leech block thing. Instead of sleeping what have I done for 30mins...facebooked. Vicious, vicious.