My uncle gave me Assassin's Creed.
My sister gave me Test Drive Unlimited. And also Scene It!
Then I went and bought Mass Effect because I really couldn't wait any longer for what is possibly the most uber-awesome RPG to ever hit shelves.
And then I bought Dancing Stage Universe because I thought the Workout mode might compensate for my general lack of exercise (it hasn't).
And thus, friends, I am now banning myself from spending any more money on anything XBox 360 related, at least until The Force Unleashed comes out and you'll see the frightening combination of Star Wars fangirl and gamer come into fruition. I also think that with Mass Effect, I have a lot to get through, and I haven't even opened Bioshock yet (I know, I know) but I figured that the curious blend of FPS and art deco can wait until I've conquered Saren and ground him into bits of little Turian dust. (BTW, did anyone else think that Nihlus looked like the Turian equivalent of Gene Simmons? Or was it just me?)

Gene Simmons:

1 comment:
Now you have two blogs I can read. 2 blogs=double the procrastination (I demand that you write twice as much by the way, not halve your writing onto two web pages)
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