Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Bad Company Trailers

New trailers for Bad Company have just come out.

And they're fucking hilarious.

One spoofs Gears of War and the other the Rainbow Six series- both of which I own, but I prefer the Gears of War parody cos I always found Mad World to be most depressing, overrated song ever.

(Mr Coulter, if you're reading this, you'd better check it out, cos I recall you once telling me about the GoW Mad World trailer back in the good old Indo days...)

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Breaking the Hiatus

Given my interest in gaming, it's actually quite a pity that I suck at it.

Yesterday I picked up my Xbox 360 controller for the first time in ages- weeks, months...and started playing Mass Effect.

This game has freaked me out more than once on occasion- there was once this terrible level which had horrible zombie husks attacking my crew and they were all coming towards me with hideous outstretched zombie hands AND THIS IS WHY I CAN'T PLAY RESIDENT EVIL.

Oh, and apparently I couldn't KILL any of the scientists additionally shooting at me because they were under mind-control so I had to shoot and destroy zombies while getting close enough to survivors in order to whack them with the butt of my rifle. (Virtue sucks.)

I can't even begin to tell you how long it took me to get past that stage.

Anyway, I was hoping for something relaxing after the stress of law exams, but OH NO, there had to be an entire level of effing Rachni, which are semi-sentient alien GIANT BUG THINGS THAT SPIT DEADLY POISON.

And after I set this weird neuron-pulse thing to kill them all, I had exactly two minutes to get out of the facility, only two medpacs, five grenades, and my sensor was swarming with red Rachni dots.


I panicked.

Cue much mental swearing.

And this is why I suck at gaming.

It took me at least ten tries to get past that level- I tried being sneaky and using a pop'n'shoot technique but the time limit killed that idea, so I just started throwing grenades from a distance, using my pistols and biotics when I ventured closer.

I panic whenever anything remotely FPS comes up.

And that is why most of my games are single-player. Because no one wants to hear their partner shrieking profanities and running around in circles when there's shootin' to be done.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Releasing the Spores

They've finally released the PC requirements to play Spore- check it out here.

(Or if you can't be stuffed clicking on the link, here they are)


2.0 GHz P4 processor or equivalent
768 MB RAM A 128 MB Video Card, with support for Pixel Shader 2.0
At least 6 GB of hard drive space

That's it?!

I thought it was going to be a monstrous exercise, something similar to the Stranglehold or Crysis specs.

But nope, it's actually reasonable.

(Well, I can say this now I've upgraded from 256MB RAM to 2GB and from a GeForce 2 MX to a GeForce 8600GT.)

Well, I'm happy.

Hopefully, this game won't prove as addictive as Sims 2.

I'm still looking for a game to test my system out on...Jade Empire (the special shiny edition) was $10 at work but I already have a swathe of RPGs to get through and I never have time to sit down and play.

Any suggestions?