Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Breaking the Hiatus

Given my interest in gaming, it's actually quite a pity that I suck at it.

Yesterday I picked up my Xbox 360 controller for the first time in ages- weeks, months...and started playing Mass Effect.

This game has freaked me out more than once on occasion- there was once this terrible level which had horrible zombie husks attacking my crew and they were all coming towards me with hideous outstretched zombie hands AND THIS IS WHY I CAN'T PLAY RESIDENT EVIL.

Oh, and apparently I couldn't KILL any of the scientists additionally shooting at me because they were under mind-control so I had to shoot and destroy zombies while getting close enough to survivors in order to whack them with the butt of my rifle. (Virtue sucks.)

I can't even begin to tell you how long it took me to get past that stage.

Anyway, I was hoping for something relaxing after the stress of law exams, but OH NO, there had to be an entire level of effing Rachni, which are semi-sentient alien GIANT BUG THINGS THAT SPIT DEADLY POISON.

And after I set this weird neuron-pulse thing to kill them all, I had exactly two minutes to get out of the facility, only two medpacs, five grenades, and my sensor was swarming with red Rachni dots.


I panicked.

Cue much mental swearing.

And this is why I suck at gaming.

It took me at least ten tries to get past that level- I tried being sneaky and using a pop'n'shoot technique but the time limit killed that idea, so I just started throwing grenades from a distance, using my pistols and biotics when I ventured closer.

I panic whenever anything remotely FPS comes up.

And that is why most of my games are single-player. Because no one wants to hear their partner shrieking profanities and running around in circles when there's shootin' to be done.

1 comment:

Kristine said...

BLARGH! Giant bug things! It's like he aliens I see....EVERY DAAAY....

(oh mighty my, we are going to have fun is Syd-denay!)

on the Wiiii...yipieeee!